Grammarly is a popular online writing assistance application that enhances users’ overall writing quality and grammar and spelling skills. Although it is an effective tool for locating and fixing problems, it might need help to single out material produced by Chat GPT or other AI models.

Currently, integrating Grammarly can improve the quality of AI-generated content and ensure effective communication.

Can Grammarly Detect ChatGPT?

Grammarly can still improve the readability and cohesiveness of the writing that AI generates. No, Grammarly cannot determine with absolute certainty whether a piece of text was produced by Chat GPT or another type of AI language model.

what Grammarly checks

Grammarly’s primary mission is to enhance a user’s written material by correcting grammar, punctuation, spelling, and clarity errors.

It analyzes the text using previously defined linguistic rules, patterns, and typical errors.

It cannot tell whether or not a piece of text was produced by an AI model, despite the fact that it can recognize and recommend corrections for various types of writing faults.  

The primary goal of Grammarly is to aid users in improving the overall quality of their writing, irrespective of where it originated or how it was generated.

Why Grammarly Cannot Detect Chat GPT

Not Designed that way

Since it is not intended to identify the text’s source or origin specifically, Grammarly cannot recognize Chat GPT or any other unique AI language model.  Its primary purpose is to offer assistance with grammar and writing by concentrating on evaluating, enhancing, and clarifying the structure and organization of the content rather than determining how the information was generated.

Has no AI-algorithm

While it does not utilize an AI algorithm developed specifically to detect Chat GPT or any other specialized AI model, Grammarly cannot do so. Grammarly’s major focus is on correct grammar, spelling, and writing clarity; it does not currently have the unique power to recognize content generated by artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT Changes the Sentence Structure

Grammarly cannot reliably detect ChatGPT or other AI language models because these models often generate text with varied sentence structures and styles. Grammarly’s algorithms primarily analyze traditional sentence structures, making it challenging to accurately identify and correct text generated by AI models with different patterns.

Why Students Use ChatGPT to Cheat Grammarly


with no motivation

Due to their lack of motivation, some students may cheat on their Grammarly tests using ChatGPT.

Students can submit content that appears error-free or more polished than their original work, thanks to ChatGPT’s ability to generate language that may avoid being detected by Grammarly’s detection algorithms.

Nevertheless, this behavior defeats maintaining academic integrity and cultivating genuine learning-based personal growth.

Instead of looking for quick cuts, students must cultivate their writing abilities and use tools like Grammarly responsibly to improve their abilities as writers.


Some students may use ChatGPT as a shortcut to get around Grammarly. They intend to trick Grammarly’s detection algorithms into thinking that the work they have turned in is error-free by submitting computer-generated content.

Also this method, on the other hand, damages the integrity of the academic process and impedes the development of true writing talents. Students need to understand the significance of moral behaviors, such as employing Grammarly as a tool to enhance their own skills rather than looking for ways to get an unfair edge.

Grammarly Alternatives that Detect ChatGPT or AI Content

While it’s okay for students to use ChatGPT in their writing, the citation and referencing rules should not be overlooked.

1. Turnitin

Turnitin is an anti-plagiarism program that is extensively used in educational institutions worldwide. Turnitin’s algorithms are meant to recognize similarities and patterns characteristic of content plagiarized or generated by artificial intelligence.

2. ZeroGPT

To determine whether an artificial intelligence or a human wrote the text, ZeroGPT uses a variety of algorithms. It is a reliable tool to flag text that is not human.

3. Winston AI

Winston is the industry standard for detecting artificial intelligence-generated text. It has a detection rate of 99% when it comes to artificial intelligence-generated content, including that ChatGPT produces. In addition to that, our software features an industry-leading plagiarism detection function.

using originality ai

4. Originality.AI examines your content, scans and analyzes it, and then compares it to millions of other papers online.  

It does this to look for any similarities that could indicate plagiarism and to determine whether or not the content is generated by artificial intelligence.

5. Sapling

Sapling can identify more than 97% of AI-generated texts while reducing the number of false positives to less than 3%.

Please be aware that these benchmarks typically utilize much longer texts and may only partially represent your writing.

6. CopyLeaks

CopyLeaks is an online plagiarism detection tool that can be used as an alternative to Grammarly for identifying ChatGPT or AI-generated content.

It employs advanced algorithms to compare texts and detect similarities, potentially flagging instances where AI-generated or plagiarized content may be present. Exploring and researching CopyLeaks’ specific features and capabilities is important to determine its suitability for detecting AI content.