Using Course Hero comes with a price, especially when you want to maintain academic integrity. It is a very nice tool that can be used to help students study and revise.

However, some argue that using Course Hero to get answers for exams or assignments is a form of academic dishonesty. In contrast, others view it as a tool for learning and improving one’s understanding of course material.

In this article, I will explore the debate about using Course Hero and determine whether it is cheating.

Can you be Caught using Course Hero? 

Course Hero is an online platform that offers access to a huge library of study materials, such as course notes, homework solutions, and study guides.

While CourseHero can be a valuable resource for students to supplement their learning, it is questionable whether using it is considered cheating. 

You can be caught using Course Hero. There have been occurrences where students have faced the consequences of doing so. Additionally, some schools have systems to detect cheating, like monitoring student computer activity during exams. Teaching assistants or professors sometimes run plagiarism checks on assignments or exams.

If they find that a student got the content from CourseHero or other online sources, they may refer the incident to the school’s academic integrity office. 

The risk of getting caught using CourseHero for academic dishonesty is high. The consequences can be severe, leading to failing the course, academic suspension, or even expulsion from school.

How Universities Catch Students Using Course Hero

Many institutions have strict policies against academic dishonesty. Some consider using online resources such as CourseHero as cheating.

There are several methods universities and professors use to catch students using Course Hero or other online resources to cheat. Some of these methods include:

exam monitoring

1. Plagiarism Detection Software

Many universities use plagiarism detection software to compare students’ assignments to a huge database of previously submitted work, online sources, and other publications to check for similarities.

Turnitin may flag the assignment as plagiarized if a student copied content from CourseHero. This way, the institution may take serious action against you.

2. Exam Monitoring

Some schools use online exam proctoring software to monitor students’ computer screens and detect suspicious activity, like opening another browser window or copying and pasting information.

They may require students to take exams in person, where an invigilator or proctor can monitor them.

3. Confidential Student Reports

Sometimes, other students could report academic dishonesty or suspicious behavior to their professors or school officials.

The action may include discussing exam answers with others or sharing CourseHero materials. These students may alert their professors for possible action.

4. Professor Searches

Some professors could search online for suspicious content. Some items to offer as clues are exam questions or assignments, which they can find on Course Hero or other websites. In response, they may take action against the students involved.

5. School Policies

Many universities have strict policies against plagiarism and academic dishonesty. If a student is caught using other online resources to cheat or CourseHero, they may face disciplinary action.

Is using CourseHero Considered Cheating? 

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense that can result in negative consequences such as failing a course or even expulsion from school.

Students should put their academic honesty first and be responsible for their own learning instead of taking shortcuts that could hurt their education and future job prospects.

Using CourseHero is not considered cheating. The platform provides study materials, including practice problems, notes, and other resources to help students learn and supplement their coursework. 

However, I consider it cheating when you use CourseHero to access specific answers to assignments or exams without putting in the necessary effort and understanding of the material. It involves copying and pasting someone else’s work and claiming it as one’s own. 

Instances when using CourseHero is cheating 

 There are many ways how students can use Course Hero well and benefit. However, many times students cheat. Using CourseHero can be considered cheating in several instances. Here are some examples:

1. Copying Answers

It is considered cheating if a student uses CourseHero to access and copy specific answers to assignments or exams without putting in any effort to understand the material.

copying answers

This is because the student is taking credit for work that is not their own and cannot demonstrate an understanding of the course material.

2. Sharing Answers

It amounts to cheating if a student uses CourseHero to obtain answers to assignments or exams and shares those answers with others.

This is because the other students are also taking credit for work that is not their own, and the original student is facilitating academic dishonesty.

3. Using course notes during exams

If a student uses CourseHero to access course notes or study guides during an exam without permission from the professor, I considered it cheating.

Here, the student will be gaining an unfair advantage over others who do not have access to the same resources. Schools ought to reinforce rules to curb such habits.

4. Submitting others’ work as your own

 If one uses CourseHero to access completed assignments or papers and submits them as your work, I term it cheating.

It would be wrong for the student to take credit for work that is not their own and not demonstrate an understanding of the course material.

5. Paying for Work

I also term cheating if a student pays for access to CourseHero’s premium services to get answers to assignments or exams.

Paying for an unfair advantage over others is academic dishonesty because the student does not make the necessary effort to understand the material. 

Instances when using course hero is not cheating

Here are some examples:

1. As a Supplementary Resource

get revision textbooks

Course Hero can be a supplementary resource to aid students in their studies.

They can use the platform to get extra information, notes, and study guides that can assist them in understanding a particular topic better.

This can be especially useful when students struggle with a concept and need an alternative explanation or more examples.

2. To Review Material

Another instance where I believe using CourseHero is not cheating is when you use it to review material they have already learned. Reviewing past materials can be a perfect way to reinforce learning and improve retention.

Course Hero can offer students past exams, quizzes, and flashcards, which can assist them in understanding the material better and identify areas where they need more practice.

3. To Study for Standardized Tests

Course Hero can be a coveted tool for students preparing for standardized tests such as the GRE. The platform provides study materials like practice tests, flashcards, and review sheets to assist students in preparing for these exams.

Using Course Hero to prepare for them is not cheating since standardized tests measure students’ mastery of specific skills and knowledge.

4. To Learn how to Study Effectively

Learning how to study effectively is a vital part of academic success. Course Hero offers students study strategies, tips, and techniques that they can use to improve their study skills.

This can be useful for students struggling with time management, organization, or motivation.

5. As a Research Tool

Course Hero, can also be a research tool to help students write papers, essays, and other academic assignments. Students can use the platform to find relevant books, articles, and other resources to help them write high-quality papers.

This action may not be cheating as long as students use the information they find ethically and give credit to the original sources.

But this tool can be misused.

A CNN article on 20th March 2022 indicated that a professor at Chapman University in Southern California filed a lawsuit against five students.

He accused them of posting the mid-term test on course hero to obtain answers while doing the course remotely. The practice is common among dishonest students.

This is the reason why some websites like Course Hero are discouraged, or why Chegg use is not allowed in colleges and other educational institutions.
