A person usually sits for exams with high expectations of performing well and moving to the next level. However, exams have their own dynamics and it is not necessarily automatic that they will pass the exams.

In most instances, failure to pass will automatically warrant a retake of the class which is quite a reprieve. It begs the question: Can a person fail after retaking a class? What if a student fails the retaken exam or does worse? What will happen?

This article will try to answer these questions.

Can you fail after Retaking a Class?

failing a paper

Yes, there is a possibility that you can fail a retaken class. As much as doing an exam for the second time improves exam-taking skills and grows your content familiarity, it does not automatically guarantee success.

Students fail to address the reasons behind their initial failure, so they may repeat the same mistakes they made in the first exam. A number of factors, such as a difficult exam, poor study habits, and a different exam format, can greatly affect or cause an exam retake and the results.

Why Someone can do Worse in a Retaken Class

A number of reasons can make someone perform worse in a retaken class in as much as they had well studied and prepared for the examination. However, students should be well prepared before a retake because there is a cap on the number of times one can do the retakes.

They include:

A student who sat for their exam under immense stress and anxiety might be negative in their performance during a retake. The stress and anxiety can be a result of pressure from parents or even the college which might not offer another chance in case one fails a retake.

when stressed

High-stakes examinations can worsen this situation where the results matter more to the student.

Another reason can be the lack of motivation from the student to retake the class.

The student can lose a sense of value in retaking the exam and fail to have the motivation for it.

This, in essence, means that the student will put very minimal effort into studying and adequately preparing for the retake, and eventually, they will have low scores.

Additionally, performance is all about preparation, and therefore if a student is not well prepared, there is a likelihood of not performing well. Lack of enough practice or rather focusing much on an area they are familiar with may not help that much during the retake.

Finally, a change in examination format can negatively affect a student’s performance. The exam format might change compared to the earlier one against the student’s expectation, more so for standardized tests and questions are periodically updated. Such changes can negatively affect one’s performance during a retake.

How to avoid Failing on a Retaken Class

There are a number of measures that one can take in order to avoid failing a retaken class.

1. Analyze what went wrong

First, you will need to deeply analyze what went wrong in your previous exam by carrying out a serious review and identifying the areas that gave you problems.

You will need to check on whether you applied poor study habits, did not understand the coursework or if it is your personal issues that made you perform poorly.

be prepared

These will assist you in understanding the areas that you need to correct and concentrate on when preparing for the retake.

2. Create a Study Plan

Secondly, you will need to have a study plan. You can create one that focuses solely on the topics and areas that need improvement.

It will require you to give it adequate time to study, set academic goals, and meet your personal deadlines.

The study plan will come in handy in helping you to focus solely on the study areas that require a lot of effort and improvement.

You will also need to do a lot of practice and revision so as to sharpen your knowledge in the subject areas that are troubling you.

3. Practice with Past Exams

Practice by the use of past exams and questions will give you a clear understanding of the test formats and probable questions that you may meet in an exam. These will go a long way in boosting your confidence as you prepare for a retake.

4. Seek your tutor’s assistance

On top of that, you may seek the assistance of your tutor or instructor should you realize that you have a problem understanding the content.

Either can be very helpful in additional learning materials and tips on performance and can also give you clarity on various concepts that might appear challenging to you.

5. Manage your time well

It is also important that you make good management of your time. This will help you a lot when it comes to studying and going through the challenging part of your content. You can come up with a study schedule that will allow you to thoroughly study and review your content.

6. Be Calm

Finally, it is clear that most exams will bring out a lot of anxiety in students. In case you are a victim of this, you can beat it by coming up with various ways of handling anxiety. Learn to stay positive, calm, and relaxed without losing focus as you wait for the exams.

Moreover, you may employ some relaxation techniques such as visualization and deep breathing.

In conclusion, not performing well in an exam does not point to our inadequacies in potential but rather it is a platform for learning and improving our academic work.

To achieve success in a retaken exam, dedication, effort, and the right mindset will come in handy. Remember, you can retake a class many times but you will need to pass them.