In our day and age, artificial intelligence is a helpful instrument for essay writing. Students and writers who use ChatGPT to write essays can work with AI to improve their writing process. The AI will help by engaging in idea generation, seeking help, and enhancing their writing process by leveraging the capabilities of language models such as ChatGPT. 

This post aims to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) can be efficiently exploited to assist in constructing well-crafted essays, thereby combining human intellect’s strength with AI’s power.

Can you Use ChatGPT to Write Essays?

asking chatgpt to write essay

The development of AI has completely transformed the writing process, rendering applications such as ChatGPT completely indispensable for the composition of essays. 

It is vital to think about ChatGPT as a collaborative tool rather than a writer in its own right, even though it can generate text and make recommendations. 

Users can utilize the model to generate ideas, seek clarifications, and obtain feedback on their suggestions.

However, the contribution of a human mind is still essential for analytical thinking, the organization of thoughts, the conduct of research, and the guaranteeing of the essay’s coherence and originality. 

Writers can improve their essay-writing process and generate intriguing, well-structured essays that reflect their distinctive ideas and points of view by combining the power of artificial intelligence with the creativity and knowledge of humans.

How to use ChatGPT to Write an Essay

1. Use to Research

When it comes time to write an essay, you can use ChatGPT as a research tool. Users can collect knowledge, investigate a variety of perspectives, and ask for direction regarding pertinent sources when they have a dialogue with the model. 

However, to ensure that the information obtained from the model is accurate and reliable, it is necessary to review and check the information thoroughly.

2. To Insert References

Suppose you are writing an essay using ChatGPT. In that case, you must enter the required information (author, title, publication date, etc.) Also, ask the model to generate a correct citation or reference entry in the desired citation style (for example, APA or MLA). This will allow you to incorporate references into your essay. 

3. To Suggest Corrections

If you are writing an essay with ChatGPT, you can ask the model for changes by sharing either your draft or selected sentences with them. The model can provide grammar, sentence structure, clarity, and style feedback. Nevertheless, it is essential to review and validate the ideas, as AI’s fixes might only sometimes be precise or contextually suitable.

4. To Proofread

chatgpt proofreading

Sharing your paper with the model and asking it to check it for faults is the first step in utilizing ChatGPT to proofread your essay. Errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling may be easier to see with the help of this model.

However, keep in mind that AI might not always notice all errors or provide adjustments that are accurate given the context, so proceed with caution and evaluate the modifications that have been proposed cautiously.

5. To Suggest an Outline

By providing the main points or concepts you wish to address in your essay, you can ask ChatGPT to provide an outline to use when writing your paper. Ask the model to suggest a logical structure or outline that you may use for your essay, including paragraphs that serve as introductions and conclusions.

Check the automatically created outline, make changes to it if necessary, and ensure it corresponds with your essay’s goals and flow.

Dos and Don’ts when using ChatGPT to Write Essays



Use ChatGPT as a collaborative tool to brainstorm ideas, seek suggestions, and enhance your writing process. Engage in a dialogue, discuss your essay topic, and incorporate the model’s input alongside your creativity and critical thinking.

Verify Information

While ChatGPT can provide information, verifying and cross-referencing it with reliable sources is essential. Conduct independent research to ensure accuracy and credibility and to understand the topic comprehensively.

Edit and Revise

  1. Treat AI-generated content as a starting point.
  2. Edit, revise, and polish the ChatGPT-generated text to make it consistent with your arguments, structure, and writing style.
  3. Ensure that the final essay reflects your unique voice and perspective.

Edit and Refine

Edit the AI-generated text to align it with your writing style, voice, and arguments. Revise the content, structure, and language to ensure coherence and strengthen your essay’s overall quality.



don't copy paste

Only copy and paste AI-generated content with proper attribution and add your original insights. Plagiarism is unethical and can have serious consequences. Use AI to inspire, but always create your original work.

Blindly relying on AI

Only partially depend on ChatGPT for all aspects of essay writing. While it can provide suggestions and feedback, it is important to critically evaluate and validate them, conduct independent research, and engage in critical thinking to produce a well-rounded essay.

Disregard Human Expertise

While AI can be a valuable resource, pay attention to the value of human expertise and knowledge. Use AI as a supplement to enhance your writing process, but remember that your own insights and understanding are crucial for crafting a thoughtful and well-structured essay.

Bad Practices When Using AI to Write

1. Copy-pasting AI work

When using AI to create an essay, one of the behaviors that should be avoided is copy-pasting AI-generated work without providing appropriate attribution or demonstrating correct understanding. It’s unacceptable to copy and paste content that artificial intelligence (AI) has generated without adding unique insights or ideas, which could result in plagiarism issues.

It is necessary to use AI not as a replacement for actual labor but as a tool for facilitating collaboration. Instead, it would help if you interacted critically with the content that the AI generated, evaluate its applicability, and then incorporate it into your writing by paraphrasing it, synthesizing it, and adding your unique perspective.

Mostly, this protects the integrity of your work and guarantees that you follow ethical writing methods.

2. Asking AI Questions Instead of Researching

do your research

When utilizing AI to write an essay, one of the behaviors that should be avoided is depending only on asking the AI questions rather than completing in-depth research.

This is one of the negative practices. Although AI has the potential to generate knowledge and new perspectives, it should not be used in place of traditional methods of independent study.

If you rely exclusively on the responses supplied by AI, you run the risk of receiving wrong or insufficient information.

It is essential to take an active role in investigating credible sources, gaining exposure to a variety of viewpoints, and doing an in-depth analysis of the material that has been obtained.

AI can be used as a supplementary tool to enhance the research process and produce ideas; moreover, it should be different from the intellectual effort and inquiry you conduct on your own.

3. Copying AI Answers

It is essential to remember that artificial intelligence models such as ChatGPT can generate text, but they need to be equipped with comprehension or contextual knowledge. Simply duplicating AI responses without considering whether or not they are accurate or relevant can result in inaccurate information or stuff that is irrelevant.

Instead, you should take AI’s answers as a reference or starting point, critically examine them, and incorporate your understanding and insights into the process. Engaging in activities such as careful analysis, independent fact-checking, and independent thinking helps build originality and intellectual integrity and ensures the authenticity and quality of the work you produce.