Turnitin is a famous plagiarism checker that helps to maintain academic integrity. It can detect instances of plagiarism in student essay papers. However, many students and instructors must learn what constitutes a good Turnitin score.

A good Turnitin score refers to an acceptable academic institution in this post. In this article, we will explore what a good Turnitin score is and how one can interpret the results of a Turnitin report.

What is a Turnitin score?

a Turnitin score

Turnitin uses advanced algorithms to detect plagiarism and highlight them in a report. The percentage score indicates the amount of unoriginal content in the submitted work. This score is a tool for maintaining academic integrity.

A Turnitin score is a percentage that represents the similarity between a submitted document and other sources in the Turnitin database.

The score compares the submitted work to a vast database of academic articles, online sources, and previously submitted papers.

Notably, a high Turnitin score does not necessarily mean plagiarism has occurred since some common phrases and citations may be flagged as similar.

The score should be interpreted with the instructor’s expertise and knowledge of the particular assignment requirements.

What is a good Turnitin score?

Notably, the interpretation of Turnitin scores may differ depending on the specific assignment requirements and the instructor’s expertise. Therefore, consult with the instructor or academic institution to determine what constitutes a good Turnitin score in a particular assignment.

A good Turnitin score is one that shows low similarity levels and little to no matching. Generally, a Turnitin score of 15% or lower score is considered a good score and is acceptable in most academic institutions. Highlighted in green color, a similarity score of 15 means that your paper has external sources due to research but that is well presented to avoid plagiarism.

On the other hand, scores between 15% and 40% may require further investigation to determine whether plagiarism has occurred.

What is a bad Turnitin score?

A high Turnitin score may lead to academic penalties like reduced grades, failed assignments, or disciplinary action. It is, therefore, vital to take Turnitin scores seriously and to ensure that you cite all sources properly and remain well attributed to avoid plagiarism.

a bad Turnitin score

A bad Turnitin score shows a high unoriginal content in a submitted document. Scores above 40% are high and may indicate that the work has not been adequately cited.

However, it is important to note that the interpretation of Turnitin scores may vary depending on the assignment requirements and the instructor’s expertise.

For instance, a high score may be acceptable for assignments requiring extensive use of direct quotations or cited sources.

Once you realize that you have a bad score, you can work on ways to reduce the Turnitin similarity score and get a better one.

This is one of the reasons why Turnitin is better than most scanners since it gives a report that matches the sources.

How to interpret Turnitin report percentage scores

Interpreting Turnitin report percentage scores can be challenging for students who are new to the software. Here are some factors to consider when interpreting Turnitin percentage scores:

  • Check the Originality Report: Turnitin generates an Originality Report that gives a detailed breakdown of the similarities between the submitted document and other sources in the database. This report highlights any cases of plagiarism and can be used to identify the specific sections of the document that require revision.
  • Check the Settings: Turnitin allows instructors to adjust the settings for each assignment, including the exclusion of small matches, quotes, and bibliography. Students should check the assignment settings to determine whether these settings affect the Turnitin score.Turnitin settings
  • Review the Similarity Index: The Similarity Index is the percentage score that indicates the amount of unoriginal content in the submitted document. As mentioned earlier, a 15% or lower score is generally considered acceptable, while scores between 15% and 40% may require further investigation. Scores above 40% are generally considered high and may indicate that the document contains significant unoriginal content.
  • Consider the Type of Assignment: The interpretation of Turnitin scores may vary depending on the type of assignment. For instance, assignments requiring extensive quotes and cited sources may result in higher Turnitin scores. In this case, students should ensure that all quotes are properly cited, and their interpretation of the sources is clear.
  • Consult with the Instructor: It is important to consult with the instructor to determine the acceptable Turnitin score for each assignment. Instructors may have specific requirements or expectations not reflected in the general guidelines.

Once you have reviewed the Originality Report and considered these factors, you can revise your document to reduce the Turnitin score. This may involve revising unoriginal sections, properly citing sources, and paraphrasing content in your own words.

What do different colors in Turnitin mean?

Turnitin is considered a good plagiarism checker because it provides a pretty nice report that has different colors. These colors represent the match levels of similarity between your paper and the source.

And Turnitin is pretty accurate when assigning these scores. Let us explore these colors;


The green color indicates text in a submitted document that matches another source in the Turnitin database, even if you cited or referenced it properly.

Also, green highlights indicate that the matching text is not plagiarism and is acceptable within the assignment context.

This enables instructors to view which sections of the document are properly cited and which require further review. While green highlights do not indicate plagiarism, they can contribute to the overall Similarity Index score.

Therefore, students should ensure that all sources are properly cited and that their interpretation is clear to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.


Turnitin colours

The yellow color indicates text in a submitted document that may have a potential instance of plagiarism. Yellow highlights indicate that the matching text may not be properly cited or referenced and requires further investigation to determine whether plagiarism has occurred.

In addition, this enables instructors to see which parts of the document may need additional review or revision.

Students should review any yellow highlights carefully and ensure they cite all sources properly to avoid any issues with academic integrity.


The orange indicates text in a submitted document that has been paraphrased or reworded. An orange highlight on your Turnitin report shows that the text may not be a direct quote but contains similar language or ideas from the source.

This occurrence allows instructors to see which parts of the document require further review or revision. The move ensures that the student cites and references all parts well.


The red indicates that the text in a submitted document is highly similar to another source in the Turnitin database. Red highlights in a similarity report show direct copy-pasting of a text, which in most cases means you plagiarized it. Therefore, your paper needs immediate attention to revise it.

This allows instructors to identify potential cases of plagiarism and take necessary action to ensure academic integrity. Students should review any red highlights carefully and revise the document to remove any instances of unoriginal content.